Tools for Developing Futures Thinking Among Gifted and Able Learners

PIC, Charvátova 6, Praha

Odborný pracovní workshop s Havou Vidergor, odbornicí na vzdělávání nadaných žáků z Graduate School at Gordon Academic College of Education v Haifě, s názvem Tools for Developing Futures Thinking Among Gifted and Able Learners naváže na témata konference a přiblíží nástroje pro práci s nadanými žáky. Workshop bude probíhat v anglickém jazyce.

What will be the content of the workshop? The workshop will elaborate on the model illustrating the different tools and will invite participants to practice the use of the different tools for better understanding of actual application for developing futures thinking literacy among gifted and able students. Among the tools participants will be exposed to and practice will be: Thinking maps (for inquiry), thinking hats (for decision making), problem solving, timeline (for research), and future scenario writing (for future thinking).

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