Peter Deďo


After his high-school success in the Geography Olympiad, Peter Deďo set out to learn the difference between high-school geography and geography at the Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague, where he went on to specialise in economic geography after his undergraduate studies in the branches of geography and geoinformatics. There he became fascinated with the spatial distribution of innovations and the factors conditioning it – for example, the interaction of the academic sphere with the outside world and especially with the private corporate sector, which can be collectively referred to as regional innovation systems.

This interest led him to the Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer at Charles University, where he participated in the European project entitled “University-industry engagement readiness monitor,” aiming to create a tool for assessing academic engagement.

Subsequently, he gained experience in the field as a volunteer at the Department of Cooperation with Industry at the Faculty of Information Technology of CTU. The latter helps with the organisation of the Unihack Ideathon and COFIT career fairs in order to perceive as thoroughly as possible the pitfalls and benefits of cooperation between the university environment and the application sphere. He has worked in private companies, at the Ministry of Regional Development and finally as an analyst at the Prague Innovation Institute, where he maps the innovation ecosystem and creates various interesting analyses about it.
